Annual Meeting
Join us for a night of fun at Counterweight brewery to hear more about what the RMF and you can do to progress climbing rights and access across the state. AS WE SEEK TO PRESERVE CONNECTICUT’S HIGH AND WILD PLACES, WE WILL SHARE A RECAP OF 2023 AND WHAT IS ON THE HORIZON FOR 2024!!
January 9th
Counter Weight Brewing
7 Diana Court
Cheshire, CT 06410
Silent Auction
This year the RMF will host our first annual Silent Auction which will feature 18+ lots ranging from vintage guide books, gear, gym memberships, guided climbing days and more. This is unprecedented. And it's going to be pretty rad.
This fundraiser will facilitate critical cashflow to help fund RMF priorities in 2024 which include continuing the ongoing negotiation for access to Bradley Boulders, securing suitable parking for the Ragged Mountain Main Cliff, while continuing to prospect for opportunities to acquire and protect cliffs and boulders.
The Silent Auction is Live-100% of Proceeds Benefit the RMF.
If you can't make the meeting--you can still email in a bid (or a few).
Here’s how it works:
1. Simply Email with a best and final offer on any item. Please include lot# and $ amount.
2. All absentee bids must be best and final.
3. The highest absentee bid for every lot will be printed on the bid sheet prior to the silent auction on January 9th.
4. After the event on January 9th—if you’ve submitted the highest bid—we’ll reach out and let you know that you have won and email you a link where you can pay for your lot.
5. RMF will facilitate getting the item to you. We can get it to the CT gym of your choice for pick up. If you’d like it shipped, additional cost will apply.
6. Absentee bidding ends TOMORROW night: Saturday 1/6 at Midnight.
Lot 1 Hooked on Traprock (Blue Book-Nichols, 1995)
Current Bid: $500 Min Bid: $20
Lot 2 Traprock (Green Book-Nichols, 1982) Copy A (50% of Sale Donated back to HPL)
Starting Bid: $90 Min Bid: $10
Lot 3 Traprock (Green Book)-Nichols, 1982) Copy B
Starting Bid: $90 Min Bid: $10
Lot 4 Vintage Piton Shadowbox (Pork Barrel Project, Ragged Mountain)
Starting Bid: $50 Min Bid: $10
Lot 5 Falcon Guide Dave Fasulo Set (3 Books, New: Rock Climbing Connecticut, Self-Rescue, Sea Kayaking and Stand up Paddling (CT, RI, and the LI Sound)
Starting Bid: $50 Min Bid: $10
Lot 6 Central Rock Glastonbury 12-Month Membership ($1188 value)
Starting Bid: $500 Min Bid: $50
Lot 7 Framed 13"x 19" Black and White Print: Ragged Mountain Main Cliff
Starting Bid: $50 Min Bid: $10
Lot 8 Sterling 60M Climbing Rope
Starting Bid: $100 Min Bid: $15
Lot 9 Ascent Climbing Gym: 3 Month Membership ($255 Value)
Starting Bid: $100 Min Bid: $20
Lot 10 Ascent Climbing Goodie Bag "A"
Starting Bid: $30 Min Bid: $5
Starting Bid: $30 Min Bid: $5
Lot 11 Ascent Climbing Goodie Bag "B"
Starting Bid: $30 Min Bid: $5
Lot 12 Guided day at Ragged Mountain with AMGA Rock Guide: Kevin Johnson
Starting Bid: $150 Min Bid: $20
Lot 13 Gunks Apps: 3x Lifetime Licenses Guide of Choice ($90 Value)
Starting Bid: $50 Min Bid: $5
Lot 14 Rockspot 3-Month Membership (All Locations, Gear Included. $420 Value)
Starting Bid: $200 Min Bid: $20
Lot 15 One Day Partner Rescue Course For 2 ($600 Value)
Starting Bid: $300 Min Bid: $50
Lot 16 Sierra Classics: 100 Best Climbs in the High Sierra (Moynier & Fiddler,1993)
Starting Bid: $90 Min Bid: $20
Lot 17 The Needles In The Black Hills Of South Dakota" (Piana, 1982)
Starting Bid: $150 Min Bid: $20
Lot 18 City Climb (Two 10x Punch Passes)--20 Visits Total ($258 Value)
Starting Bid: $129 Min Bid: $20
100% of proceeds benefit the RMF. To Bid:
Email with Lot #/Lot #s, and your best and final bid.
A massive thank you to our contributors: Central Rock Glastonbury, City Climb, Rock Climb Fairfield, Ascent Climbing, Rockspot, Kevin Johnson, Scott Sampietro, Dan and Tina Champagne, John and Diana Adams, Sully, Dave Fasulo, Ragged Mountain Guides, GunksApps, and Friends of the Harvard Public Library.
Access Efforts
Join us in our fight to secure climbing access.
Join the effort to open Bradley Boulders at out annual meeting. There will be dedicated time to update the community about the next steps and progress.
The RMF is looking for volunteers to voice concerns of Bradley's closure during New Britain Water Department monthly meetings. Simply email and we will put you on the contact list. We are asking members to help by attending one NBWD meeting throughout 2024. These meetings typically take place on the third Wednesday of every month around 7pm. Each attendee receives 3 minutes to speak in front of the New Britain Water Commission. The RMF Bradley Committee chairs Jen Chmiel and Kyle Cifarelli will reach out to volunteers to coordinate this important effort.