Bradley Boulders Closure

Dear RMF Community,

As some of you may know, Bradley Mountain, in Central Connecticut, is owned by the New Britain Water Department and is currently closed to climbing. This area of closure most notably includes Bradley Boulders, but also effects the following traprock crags: Split Rock, Lost Wall, Anthill, Hideout, Graffiti Wall, Spider Wall, Grond Cliff, Fox Den, Molar Buttress, Lakeside, Dam Wall and Outback.

Although this closure has been intermittently enforced over the years, “No Climbing” signs have recently been posted and these areas are being actively patrolled.

As a community, it is essential that we respect this closure. Please know that the RMF Board of Directors considers this area of great interest and is committed to restoring access in cooperation with the New Britain Water Department. This work takes time and it requires respect of the restrictions put forth by the landowner. The RMF will commit to continuing to share information regarding this closure as we are able.

In the meantime, please join us in honoring the boundaries put forth. If you have questions, please reach out to

Best regards,
The Ragged Mountain Foundation Board of Directors


Earth Day Clean Up at Castle Craig - April 22nd


REEL Rock 17 at Cinestudio [Hartford, CT]